Biology Flash Cards- Meiosis And Mitosis

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what role do protiens play in enabling the amount of DNA in a eukaryotic cell to fit into the nucleas, and what are those protiens called? The Histones maintain the shape of the cell and wrap the DNA tightly into packaging.

What is the picture below called, and how is it used to determine the sex of the person?

the last one determines the sex. the karyotype allows us to view the chromosomes and they are all arranged by size and shape.
how are homologous chromosomes similar? they are the same size and shape and carry the same genetics
the adders tounge fern has more chromosomes that people. what might this suggest? it may have littler amounts of information and DNA in them, so they may need more to get the right amount of information. The chromosomes may also have nothing to do with the Fern.

what are these?

a- chromosome
b- centromere
c- homolougous pair
d- chromatids
list the 5 stages of the cell cycle and what happens in each stage
g1- cell growth
s phase- dna is copied
g2- grows, prepares for division
mitosis- prophase, metaphase, anaphase
cytokenisis- cell divides
4 phases of mitosis
prophase- grow and get larger
metaphase- centromere sends out spindle fibers
anaphase- the centromeres move twords opposite sides
telophase- it splits
describe cytokenisis in a plant cell during cytokenisis, it forms a cell plate which turns into the cell wall
what would happen to a cell and its offspring if the cell did not go through g1 phase during the cell cycle? it would not grow, and then the cell would be to small to be viable.

what is this

what is this?

what is this?

what is this?
describe 2 ways that genetic recombination can occur during meiosis. crossing over and the random seperation of the homologous chromosomes
list 4 phases of meiosis 1 and describe
prophase- dna colis tightly, nucleolis disassembles, spindle fibers appear.
metaphase- tetrads line up and spindle fibers attach to the centromere
anaphase- centromeres move to opposite sides
telophase- chromosomes are at opposite ends and the new cell contains 2 copies. the nucleolis is reoccuring
how do the products of meiosis 1 differ from the products of meiosis 2? in meiosis 1 they are diploid cells and in meiosis 2 there are haploid.
what are one advantage and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction?
there is only one person involved
no genetic recombinstion

what is this?
anaphase 2

what is this?
metaphase 1

what is this?
anaphase 1

what is this?
metaphase 2