Answer The Bio Of Messenger RNA Questions Flashcards

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For a gene to be transcribed, the RNA polymerase has to bind to a _____ sequence of nucleotides on the DNA. promotor
If an mRNA codon reads UAC, its complementary anticodon will be: AUG
In humans, what percent of the genome is devoted to the exons that encode proteins? about 1.5%
The primary RNA transcript is: mRNA before the introns have been removed
A group of DNA nucleotides that contains the information to produce a single protein is a: gene
The bases of RNA are the
same as those of DNA with the exception that RNA contains:
uracil instead of thymine
The process of bringing in
the appropriate amino acid into position along the mRNA in the cytoplasm is:
Which site on the ribosome
does the new tRNA bring an amino acid to?
The RNA copy of DNA that
leaves the nucleus and travels to the cytoplasm to make proteins is:
The site where RNA
polymerase attaches to the DNA molecule to start the formation of mRNA is
called a(n):
The molecule that carries
each amino acid to its correct position along mRNA in the cytoplasm is:
Which of the following
cannot be a product of transcription?
To turn genes off, a
regulatory protein called a __________ is bound to a regulatory site so that
RNA polymerase is blocked.
The three nucleotide
sequence on mRNA is called an anticodon.
A(n) ____________ is a
piece of DNA with a group of genes that are transcribed together as a unit.
When mRNA leaves the cell's
nucleus, it next becomes associated with:
a ribosome
The genetic code is
universal, the same in practically all organisms.
Small interfering RNAs can
alter gene expression by targeting mRNA for destruction or by blocking
translation of a mRNA.
Which of the following is
correct about the genetic code?
All living things use the
same genetic code.
What is RNA interference? When small RNAs form
double-stranded RNA molecules that can regulate gene expression.
The mRNA has a
three-nucleotide sequence called a _________, while the molecule transporting
the amino acid has a complementary sequence called a(n) _______________.
codon, anticodon
All of the following occur
in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes except:
there is alternative
splicing of genes
Due to _________, the
25,000 genes of the human genome seem to encode as many as 120,000 different
expressed mRNAs
alternative splicing
In eukaryotes,
transcription takes place in the _________ and translation takes place in the
nucleus, cytoplasm
The use of DNA information
to direct the production of particular proteins is called:
gene expression