Bio 240 Exam 1, Set 2

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Observed that delivering mothers would come down with "child bed fever." Hypothesized that infected surgeon hands were infecting mothers. Semmelweis
Observed that patients would get infected after surgery. Decided to sterilize tools with carbolic acid before surgery. Lister
First to vaccinate against small pox. Observed that people that contracted cow pox, didn't get small pox. Jenner
First to create anti-toxin & anti-serum against microorganism. von Behring & Kitasato
Observed that white blood cells underwent Phagocytosis when added to disease. Metchnikoff
First to make a chemotherapeutic agent. Worked with syphillis. Found that the chemical Salvorsan compound killed the disease. Ehrlich
First to discover antibiotic penicillin. Wasn't used until WWII. Culture grown in bed pans. Fleming
Creator of the classification of genus & species. Carl von Linne
Nomenclature How something is named.
Taxonomy Grouping like organisms together.
Divided living things into Plants & Animals. Aristotle
Organic molecule. Contains Carbon & Hydrogen.
Divided living things into 5 Kingdoms. Whittaker
Define Key. Series of questions asked so that an untrained observer can easily answer questions.