Basic Parts Of The Cell Flashcards

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The Cell The structural (building blocks, variable in appearance and function) and functional(serving a purpose) unit of life. The smallest individual unit capable of carrying out all the functions that we know as "life" all on it's own without help.
The three basic parts of a Cell The Plasma Mambrane
The Nucleus
The Cytoplasm
The Plasma Memrane
(What is it and it's functions?)
Forms the cells flexible outer surface, separating the sells internal parts from the outside parts. Regulates the flow of materials in and out of the cell. Plays a key role in communication among cells and between cells and external environment.
The Plasma Membrane
(What are it's main parts?)
Phospholipid Bilayer
The Nucleus
(What is it's function?)
Contains the cells genetic inheritance.
Controls day to day functions.
Controls cell structure.
Produces Ribosomes in nucleoli.
Cytoplasm Everything between the Nucleus and the Plasma Membrane. Two main components (1) cytosol (2) Organelles.
The Nucleus
(What are it's main parts?)
Nuclear Envelope. Nuclear Pores.
Polyribosome. Nucleoplasm.
Nucleoli. Chromatin.