ASVAB Study Words

Total Flash Cards » 35
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Clemency Mercy
Discord Disagreement
Anthology Collection of writings or other creative work such as songs
Context Words or ideas just before or after a given word or idea
Adage Proverb(ex. better late than never)
Awe Feeling of respect and wonder
Alacrity Brisk Willingness
Discrepancy Inconsistency
Catastrophe Sudden disator
Apathy Indifference
Accord Agreement
Brawl Noisy fight
Affluence Abundance, wealth
Criterion Standard of judgement
Apex The highest poin
Boon Benefit
Caste Social class or position
Directive A general order
Bondage Slavery
Consensus General agreement
Diction Manner in which words are used in speech
Depot Warehouse
Cynic One who doubts the good intentions of others
Debacle General defeat
Blemish Defect
Bulwark Strong proection
Avarice Greed for welth
Din Loud continuing noise
Crux The esesntial point
Beacon Guiding light
Chagrin Feeling of deep disappointment
Audacity Boldness
Brevity Shortness
Dearth Scarcity
Deluge Great flood