ASVAB Can You Solve These General Science Practice Questions Flashcards

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The virus that causes AIDS HIV
In what region of the body is the Humerus found? Arms
What kind of cells are important part of the immune system? White blood cells
Positive charge of an atom Proton
The process of cellular respiration in animal cells occurs in which organelle? Mitochondria
The purpose of Mitosis? To produce genetically identical copies of cells
Amoebas are single-celled organisms that eat by surrounding and engulfing its food. This process of eating is Phagocytosis
What kinds of energy does a glass that falls off a table onto the floor illustrate? Potential energy converted to kinetic energy
White light from the sun is a mixture of all the colors of the visible spectrum
What kind of materials could serve as possible conductors? Metals (Silver, Copper ect.....)
The electrical current used in most everyday appliances? AC - Alternating Current
Human blood has a pH of about 7.4, if the pH were to change to 6.9 this indicates an increase in acidity

(The pH drops from 7.4 to 6.9. An increase of the proton (H+) concentration thus decreases the pH. A lower pH results in an increase in acidity.)
Which planet would most likely have a temperature of 800°F? Mercury

Igneous rock forms from
molten magma within the earth that cools and solidifies
Does warm air have more or less atmospheric pressure than cold air. Less atmospheric pressure
Which kingdom consists of eukaryotic, single-celled organisms Protista Kingdom
A water shortage has resulted in restricted, small quantities of water to drink. What hormone would increase in circulation as a result of this decreased water intake? anti-diuretic hormone

(Anti-diuretic hormones work on renal tubules of the kidneys by making them reabsorb more water from the forming urine, and returning it to the bloodstream. Growth hormones stimulate body cells to grow and divide. Insulin lowers blood sugar levels. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions.)
In humans, the trait for dimpled chins is dominant. Not having a dimpled chin is recessive. Two dimpled chin people who are heterozygous for this trait have children. What is the probability of dimpled versus non-dimpled offspring? 3/4 Dimpled, 1/4 Non-Dimpled
What disease results from vitamin deficiency? Rickets
True or False - A burning match involves a chemical reaction? True
What kind of a reaction happens when you burn a match? A Chemical Reaction
You are stranded in a desert. After some time you notice a pool of water off in the distance. You never reach the water and you realize it was a mirage. What is the most likely cause of this phenomenon? Refraction of light rays off the sand creating a false image
What is the most prevelant current theory to explain the appearance of deep holes and craters on the moon's surface Metoroids
One atom of Carbon has an atomic weight of 12 units; another atom of Carbon weighs 14 units. These two atoms are Isotopes

Diabetes mellitus results from the malfunction of

A person who is a carrier for sickle cell anemia is genetically
Heterozygous for the trait
Monocots and dicots are groups of Angiosperms

(Angiosperms are a division of plants that are classified into two groups, monocots and dicots, which refer to seed leaf structure. (Monocots—one-seed leaves; dicots—two-seed leaves.))
What two respiratory gases are carried by red blood cells? O2 and CO2
A nucleus is found in Eukaryotic cells

A list of the elements in order of increasing atomic number is called the
Periodic Table
Polar molocules attracted to water are hydrophilic
An archaeologist found an insect in a layer of clay, a fern in a layer of sand, a crustacean in a layer of mud, an amphibian in a layer of clay, and a bird in a layer of rock. The insect probably lived at the same time as the Amphibian
What natural disaster is associated with seismic activity and recorded by a seismograph? Earthquake
True or Fales - Vitamins and Minerals are part of the basic food groups? False
What is synthesized by ribosomes? Protiens

(Ribosomes are organelles that help translate amino acids into proteins.)
An atom with 8 protons, 12 neutrons, and 8 electrons has an atomic number of 8

(The atomic number refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of an element.)
Atmospheric gases that allow light to enter the atmosphere but do not allow heat to exit create a Greenhouse Effect
A molocule is a combination of two or more atoms
When you sprinkle regular table salt on food, the salt will dissociate by a decomposition reaction
Chewing is necessary for digestion because it increases the surface area of food exposed to enzymatic action

Mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles are examples of organisms belonging to which phylum?
phylum Chordata
Color Vision results as a function of which of the following? Cones

(Cones are photoreceptors of the retinas that provide color vision and visual acuity.)
A solution having a low concentration of hydrogen ions would best fit with which of the following pH ?

2, 5, 7, 12

(A low concentration of hydrogen ions results in a more basic or alkaline solution. Basic solutions have more hydroxyl ions. If the hydroxyl ion concentration is greater, the pH value will be higher. If the hydrogen ion concentration is greater, the pH value will be lower.)
How many days does it take the earth to complete one orbit around the sun? 365.25 days
The earth follows what shape of orbit around the sun? It has an elliptical path
Radioactivity of an element results from a spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei

(Radioactive elements are unstable and result in dissimilar numbers of protons and neutrons. They spontaneously lose subatomic particles and energy at known rates.)
Do sound waves move faster in the air, or in liquids and solids? Liquids and Solids
Is fog a type of precipitation? No

(Precipitation may be defined as water in the solid or liquid state that falls on the earth. Common types of precipitation are the rain, snow, and hail. Fog is not a type of precipitation. It is formed by droplets of water vapor floating in the air near the ground. Rain, which falls from clouds, is the most common type of precipitation that takes place at temperatures above 0° C. Snow is precipitation in the solid form that occurs at temperatures below 0° C. Hailstones are associated with convectional currents and cumulonimbus clouds.)

Roads along a curvature are banked to
reduce the centrifugal force on vehicles.

(A vehicle moves in a circular motion along a curved, leveled road. The vehicle is, therefore, subjected to a centrifugal force, which is a pseudo-force that acts on a body when it is in a non-inertial or accelerated frame of reference. The banked road provides a centripetal force that is necessary to keep the vehicle from skidding along the surface. The friction between the road and the tire also provides a centripetal force. Therefore, the road along a curvature is banked to reduce the centrifugal force on vehicles.)
The mass of an element that combines with one part by weight of hydrogen is defined as its Equivalent Weight

(Equivalent weight is the mass of the element that combines with one part by weight of hydrogen or with one atom of hydrogen (1.008 parts by mass). When any monovalent element combines with one atom of hydrogen, its equivalent weight becomes equal to its atomic weight. A monovalent element such as chlorine combines with one atom of hydrogen to form a molecule of hydrogen chloride. So, in this case, the equivalent weight of chlorine is equal to its atomic weight: 35. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they differ in their basic definition. Atomic weight is the mass of an atom. Subatomic weight is the mass of a subatomic particle and the molecular weight is a sum of the masses of the atoms present in the molecule.)
Communication between neighboring cells is maintained through Endoplasmic Reticulum

(The function of the endoplasmic reticulum is to transport chemicals between and within cells. Therefore, it helps in communication between neighboring cells. Plasmodesma is a protoplasmic connection between cells. Golgi complex regulates the secretory pathway and controls trafficking of different types of proteins. Vacuoles store water, pigments, salts, and sugar.)
Neutral part of an atom? Neutron
Negetively charged part of an atom? Electron
Exercise causes the respiratory (breathing) rate to increase because the heart rate has increased
A typical human female has how many pairs of chromosomes? 22 pairs of chromosomes and two X chromosomes
If you wanted to obtain the greatest amount of energy from your daily diet without concern for any other factors, which component would you eat more of?

Fats, starches, vegetables, or protiens.

(Gram for gram, fat supplies more calories for energy than proteins, carbohydrates (starches), and vegetables.)
The most important source of energy for our planet is The Sun
Evidence of pre-existing life is most likely found in Fossils
A control that reduces undesired pH fluctuations is a(n) Buffers
An uncharged particle in the atomic nucleus is Neutron
What is considered a universal energy molecule for cells? ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate

(Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide of adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups. ATP acts as an energy carrier and drives virtually all energy-requiring cellular reactions.)
What is the correct order for taxonomic classification? kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Aerobic respiration occurs in Both Plants and Animals

If an atom gains or loses an electron it becomes
An Ion
A weather front is created by two distinct air masses meeting
As a magnetic pole is approached, the magnetic force Increases
Blood pressure is a measure of systolic blood pressure over diastolic blood pressure
The bulk of the chemical breakdown and nutrient absorption occurs in the Small Intestine
What state of matter has the greatest amount of kinetic energy? Gas
Acid rain can cause what type of weathering? Chemical
Iodine added to table salt can help prevent which disease? Goiter
The gravity on the moon is about what fraction of the Earth's gravity? 1/6

When a bus starts, its passengers experience a backward jerk because
of the inertia of the bodies.

In the modern periodic table, the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom is equal to the
The group number

Two adaptations that help most of the desert plants to obtain and retain water are
shallow roots and small leaves

What receptor is present in the retina of the eye?
The uncontrolled chain reaction that takes place in a nuclear reactor is controlled by Cadmium rods
The winds that blow from the subtropical high-pressure belt to the equatorial belt are known as the Trade Winds

(The winds that blow from the subtropical high-pressure belt to the equatorial belt are the trade winds. As they blow towards the equator, they become warmer and do not provide rainfall unless and until they meet a mountain barrier at right angles. The Westerlies are winds that blow from the subtropical high-pressure belt to the sub-polar belt. Polar winds blow from the polar high-pressure belt to the sub-polar low-pressure belt. Local winds originate from local temperature and pressure.)
What is the name of the horizontal rows on a periodic table? Period