Apush - Chapter 28

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"Progressives" the new crusaders, waged war on evils like monopolies, corruption, inefficiency, and social injustice
Henry Demarest Lloyd assailed the Standard Oil Company in his book Wealth Against the Commonwealth.
Jacob A. Riis wrote How the Other Half lives; about the dark and dirty slums of New York.
Muckrakers popular magazines; they exposed the corruption and scandal that the public loved to hate.
Lincoln Steffens launched a series of articles in McClures titled The Shame of the Cities, it unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government.
Ida M. Tarbell published a devastating depiction of the Standard Oil Company .
David G. Phillips published The Treason of the Senatae in Cosmopolitan charged 75 or 90 senators which didnt represent the people but the railroads and trusts.
Ray Stannard wrote Following the Color line;about the suppression of America's blacks
John Spargo wrote of the abuses of child labor; in The Bitter Cry of the Children
initiative voters could directly propose legislation themselves
referendum would place laws on ballots for final approval by the people
recall would enable voters to remove faithless corrupt officials.
17th Amendment passed 1913; established direct election of senators.
Robert M. La Follette took considerable control from the corrupt corporations and returned it to the people
Hiram W. Johnson governor of CA; helped to break the dominant grip of the Southern Pacific Railroad on CA politics in 1910.
settlement house movement exposed middle-class women to poverty, political corruption, and intolerable working and living conditions.
Women's Trade Union League female activists worked through
National Consumers Leage female activists worked through; mobilized female consumers to pressure for laws safeguarding women and children in the workplace
"Square Deal" progressive program (3 parts) enacted by Roosevelt
1. control of the corporations
2. consumer protection
3. conservation of natural resources
Department of Commerce 1903; created to limit the increasing hostilities between capital and labor
Elkins Act 1903; allowed for heavy fines to be placed on railroads that gave rebates and on the shippers that accepted them.