AP Government Chapter 13, 14, And 15 Test Vocab

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Bicameral Legislature A lawmaking body made up of two chambers or parts. In the US it is the House of Representatives and a Senate.
Filibister Prolonged speech, or series of speeches, made to delay action in a legislative assembly. The Senate is the only body that can do this.
Marginal districts Political districts in which candidates elected to the House of Representatives win in close elections, typically by less than 55% of the vote.
Safe districts Districts in which incumbents win by margins of 55% or more.
Conservative coalition An alliance between Republican and conservative Democrats.
Majority leader The legislative leader elected by party members holding the majority of seats in the House or the Senate.
Minority leader The legislative leader elected by party members holding a minority of seats in the House or the Senate.
Whip A senator or representative that helps the party leader stay informed about what party members are thinking. He or she has several other senators to assist them.
Party polarization A vote in which a majority of Democratic legislators oppose a majority of Republican legislators.
Caucus An association of Congress members created to advance a political ideology or a regional, ethnic, or economic interest.
Standing committees Permanent committees that consider and are responsible for legislation within a certain subject area. `
Select committees Congressional committees that are appointed for a limited time and purpose.
Joint committees Committees on which both senators and representatives serve.
Conference committees A joint committee appointed to resolve differences in the Senate and House versions of the same bill.
Public bill Legislative bill that deals with matters of general concern.
Private bill Legislative bill that deals only with specific, private, personal, or local matters.
Simple resolution An expression of opinion in either the House or Senate to settle procedural matters in either body.
Concurrent resolution An expression of opinion without the force of law that requires the approval of both the House and the Senate, but not the president.
Joint resolution A formal expression of congressional opinion that must be approved by both houses of Congress and by the president; constitutional amendments need not be signed by the president.
Multiple referral A congressional process whereby a bill may be referred to several important committees.
Sequential referral A congressional process by which a Speaker may send a bill to a second committee after the first is finished acting.
Discharge petition A device by which any member of the House, after a committee has had the bill for thirty days, may petition to have it brought to the floor.
Closed rule An order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the floor.
Open rule An order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the floor.
Restrictive rule An order from the House Rules Committee that permits certain kinds of amendments but not others to be made into a bill on the floor.
Quorum The minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted in Congress.
Quorum call A roll call in either house of Congress to see whether the minimum number of representatives required to conduct business is present.
Cloture rule A rule that is used by the Senate to end or limit debate.
Double-tracking A procedure to keep the Senate going during a filibuster in which the disputed bill is shelved temporarily so that the Senate can get on with other business.
Voice vote A congressional voting procedure in which members shout "yea" in approval or "nay" in disapproval, permitting members to vote quickly or anonymously on bills.
Division vote A congressional voting procedure in which members stand and are counted.
Teller vote A congressional voting procedure in which members pass between two tellers, the "yeas" first and the "nays" second.
Roll-call vote A congressional voting procedure that consists of members answering "yea" or "nay" to their names.
Pork-barrel legislation Legislation that gives tangible benefits to constituents in several districts or states in the hopes of winning their votes in return.
Franking priviledge The ability of members to mail letters to their constituents free of charge by substituting their facsimile signature for postage.
Divided government One party controls the White House and another party controls one or both houses of Congress.
Unified government The same party controls the White House and both houses of Congress.
Gridlock The inability of the government to act because rival parties control different parts of the government.
Electoral college The people chosen to cast each state's votes in a presidential election. Each state can cast one electoral vote for each senator and representative it has. The District of Colombia has three electoral votes, even though it cannot elect a representative or senator.
Pyramid structure A president's subordinates report to him through a clear chain of command headed by a chief of staff.
Circular structure Several of the president's assistants report directly to him.
Ad Hoc structure Several subordinates, cabinet officers, and committees report directly to the president on different matters.
Cabinet The heads of the fifteen executive branch departments of the federal government.
Bully pulpit The president's use of his prestige and visibility to guide or enthuse the American public.
Veto message A message from the president to Congress stating that he will not sign a bill they have passed. Must be produced within ten days of the bill's passage.
Pocket veto A bill fails to become a law because the president did not sign it within ten days before Congress adjourns.
Line-item veto An executive's ability to block a particular provision in a bill passed by the legislature.
Signing statement A presidential document that reveals what the president thinks of a new law and how it ought to be enforced.
Legislative veto The authority of Congress to block a presidential action after it has taken place. The Supreme Court has held that Congress does not have this power.
Impeachment Charges against a president approved by a majority of the House of Representatives.
Lame duck A person still in office after he or she has lost a bid for reelection.
Bureaucracy A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials.
Government by proxy Washington pays state and local governments and private groups to staff and administer federal programs.
Laissez-faire An economic theory that government should not regulate or interfere with commerce.
Discretionary authority The extent to which the appointed bureaucrats can choose courses of action and make policies that are not spelled out in advance by laws.
Competetive service The government offices to which people are appointed on the basis of merit, as ascertained by a written exam or by applying certain selection criteria.
Name-request job A job that is filled by a person whom an agency has already identified.
Iron triangle A close relationship between an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group.
Issue network A network of people in Washington D.C. - based on interest groups, on congressional staffs, in universities and think tanks, and in the mass media, who reegularly discuss and advocate public policies.
Authorization legislation Legislature permission to begin or continue a government program or agency.
Appropriation A legislative grant of money to finance a government program or agency.
Trust funds Funds for government programs that are collected and spent outside the regular government budget.
Committee clearance The ability of a congressional committee to review and approve certain agency decisions in advance without passing a law.
Legislative veto The authority of Congress to block a presidential action after it has taken place. The Supreme Court has held that Congress does not have this power.
Red tape Complex bureaucratic rules and procedures that must be followed to get something done.