Answer AP Biology Plant Structure And Functions Flashcards

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Xylem is indicated by the letter _____.


The letter A indicates the _____.

The letter A indicates the _____.

Pith is indicated by the letter _____.

Ground tissue is indicated by the letter _____.
In leaves, chloroplasts are found in _____. palisade parenchyma

The region surrounded by guard cells is indicated by the letter _____.

Primary growth has occurred in the region(s) indicated by the letter(s) _____.

Secondary growth has occurred in the region(s) indicated by the letter(s) _____.
B and D.
Secondary growth NEVER occurs in _____. leaves
_____ provides cells for secondary growth. Vascular cambium

he letter A indicates _____.
secondary xylem
Vascular cambium forms wood toward the stem's _____ and secondary phloem toward the stem's _____. center ... surface
What is the function of cork? insulation and waterproofing
How is the supply of vascular cambium maintained? by the division of its cells