Animal Science 102 Terms

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A group of goats Band
Castrate Pig Barrow
Male goat Billy 
Female Dog Bitch
Sexually mature uncastrated male pig Boar
Pertaining to the ox or cow; of the family Bovidae Bovine
Chickens (meat type) that typically are marketed at about 50 days of age and about 4.5 lbs. Broilers
A goup of baby chickens Brood
Animal reserved for breeding and raising young  Brood animal
A male sheep, goat, rabbit, deer or antelope Buck
A sexually mature uncastrated male bovine Bull
An immature male goat Buck Kid
Refers to a cow in heat Bulling
Bullock most commonly refers to young bulls grown and fattened in a similar manner to beef steers and heifers
Burro  A donkey
Calving Act of parturition in calttle
Pertaining to the dog family Canine
Capon Male chicken that has had its testes removed
Cock male chicken
Cockerel male chicken less than a year old
Colt  immature male horse
Cow mature female bovine
Dam  the female parent
Doe and adult female rabbit, goat, or deer
Doe kid immature female goat
an adult male duck Drake
Drove a group of swine
Equine pertaining to a horse
Ewe female sheep
act of parturition in swine Farrowing
Feeder young animal which does not have high finish (fatness) but shows evidence of ability to add wight economically 
Filly  immature young female horse; a young mare
Flock group of sheep
young horse or mule of either sex Foal
Foaling act of parturition in the horse
Fowl  any bird, but usually refers to more mature poultry
Gander  mature male goose
Gelding  a castrated male horse
Get The offspring from a male animal
Gilt  a young female swine; until the first litter of pigs is farrowed
Gosling any young goose
Half-sib half-brother or half-sister
Heifer  female of the cattle species that has not borne a calf
Heiferette  a female of the cattle species that has given birth but finished for market rather than saved as a breeding animal
Hen An adult avian female
herd group of cattle or horses
Hinny  the offspring of a Jenny and a stallion
hutch  group of rabbits
Jack male uncastrated donkey
Jenny Female donkey; a jennet
Kid young goat or antelope 
kidding  act of parturition in the goat
kindling act of parturition in the rabbit 
lamb a sheep less than 12 months of age (ewe lamb, ewe ram)
Lambing  act of parturition in sheep
littler  the pigs farrowed by a sow or the pups whelped by a bitch at one delivery period
mare mature female horse
mule the cross resulting from mating a mare horse with a jack
nanny  a female goat
Nonruminant an animal without a rumen
Nurse Cow a milk cow used to supply milk for nursing calves other than her own
Ovine an animal of the subfamily Ovidae; sheep, goats
Pig a young swine
Piglet  A Little pig
Polled having no horns
Pony any small horse in the United States that doesn't exceed 58 inches tall at maturity
Porcine pertaining to swine
Poult an immature tuckey, after sex is determined, called young tom or young hen
Poultry birds raised for meat and eggs
Produce a female's offspring
Progeny  offspring of animals
Ram male sheep (aka buck)
Roaster a young chicken (meat type) weighting mre than 4.5 pounds
Roasting pig A pig weighing from about 50-75 lbs
Rooster  an adult male chicken
Runt a term used to denote a piglet of poor size in relation to littermates
Scrub  an animal inferior in either breeding or individuality
Shoat a young pig of either sex not fully grown and fattened for markey
Sire  male parent
Sow mature female swine
Stag male animal castrated after the secondary sex characteristics have developed
Stallion  mature male horse, not castrated
Steer male bovine castrated before the development of secondary sex characteristics 
Stud a unit of selected animals kept for breeding purposes
Tom male tukey
Tup Ram
Vealer Calbes fed for slaughter usually less than 4 months old; "fancy veal may weigh as much as 400-420 pounds at 16 weeks
Weanling  recently weaned animal
Wether male sheep or goat castrated before sexual maturity
Whelp to give birth to, as by a female dog
Yearling refers to a male or female farm animal during th first year and up to two years of age