Ancient India: Hinduism

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the supreme power in Hinduism
the creator
the destroyer Shiva
the preserver
duty Dharma
this could lead you closer to Brahman if it's good; if it'd bad it could make you into something worse than what you were when you get reborn. THIS is the sum of all your deeds; good and bad Karma
spirits are reborn many times into different forms trying to be 1 with Brahman Reincarnation
social classes in which a person is born and lives in all their lives Caste System
the cycle of reincarnation or rebirth Samsara
What caused the collapse of the Harappan civilization?
Earthquakes& Floods
a state of wisdom & perfection Nirvana
a group of sacred texts
overflows in the summer leaving rich minerals on its bank Brahmaputra River
has black soil that is good for growing cotton Deccan Plateau
have really heavy rains that encourage the growth of tropical plants
Western Ghats
green mountains with several rivers that aren't safe 4 travel Eastern Ghats
fertilizes northern plains & brings ice down from the Himalayas which makes a good water supply Ganges River
sometimes causes earthquakes & landslides Himalaya Mountains
has the deadly Khyber Pass which traders & merchants used to enter the Indus River Valley
Hindu Kush Mountains
fertilizes land Indus River
very hot & dry climate & very few animals
Thar Desert
How did the Aryans influence Geography? they settled in India
How did the Aryans influence Religion? They believed that cows were sacred
How did the Aryans influence Achievements? They were skilled horse riders, they invented iron plows, made wooden chariots & metal-tipped spheres, cleared jungles & built canals.
How did the Aryans influence Social Structure? They created the caste system & they believed that men have more rights than women
How did the Aryans influence Politics? They were organized into tribes led by rajas (princes) & they often fought amongst themselves
How did the Aryans influence Economics? They made money by farming & raising cattle. They counted wealth by how much cattle you owned & they even sometimes used cattle as money.
What is the caste system in order? Priests, Warriors, Kings, Merchants, Artisans & the UNTOUCHABLES
What river is sacred? Ganges River it erases your sins :)