Anatomy And Physiology

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How many of the pairs of cranial nerves originate from the brain stem? 10
The brachial plexus can contain fibers from: C4- T2.
Which of the following branches of a spinal nerve contain autonomic fibers? The rami communicantes
Which of the following cranial nerves is NOT involved with the eye? Trigeminal
Which of the following cranial nerves is purely sensory? Optic
Which of the following cranial nerves has a name that means "the wanderer"? Vagus
Which of the following fibers in the skeletal muscle are stimulated only by the degree of stretch? Type II
Which of the following is NOT a nerve plexus? The thoracic rami
Which of the following nerves does NOT arise from the brachial plexus? The phrenic nerve
Which of the following receptors is considered a free dendritic ending? Tactile (Merkel's) discs
Which of the following reflexes is particularly important in maintaining balance? Crossed extensor reflexes
Which of the following reflexes would test the integrity of L4 to S2? Drawing a blunt object downward along the lateral aspect of the foot causes downward curling of the toes
Collections of neuron cell bodies associated with nerves in the peripheral nervous system are known as: Ganglia
The lowest level of the motor hierarchy is the: segmental level.
Reflexes that result from practice or repetition are known as: acquired reflexes.
The muscle fiber or gland cell that responds to the efferent impulses is known as the: effector
Which of the following cranial nerves controls chewing food? Trigeminal nerve
Which of the following nerves controls the quadriceps muscle group? Femoral nerve
Which of the following is a pain transmitter? Substance P
If pain continues for a long time: hyperalgesia develops.
Which of the following receptors are also known as lamellated corpuscles? Pacinian corpuscles
Which of the following receptors is stimulated by a substance known as capsaicin? Vanilloid receptors
The two-point discrimination test tests the patient's _______________ ability of sensory perception. spatial discrimination
Wallerian degeneration is the: degeneration of the axon and myelin sheath distal to the injury site
caused by the lack of nutrients
Transection of the sciatic nerve would cause all the following, except: inability to mediate the act of erection