Anatomy Final Flashcards

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Athletes usually experience muscular fatigue less quickly that nonathletes because they produce less lactic aci
The role of ATP in muscle contraction is to supply energy for myofilament movement
smooth muscle is found in the wall of the stomach and intestine
In a recording of a muscle twitch the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the latent period
Tendons and ligament are composed primarily of dense connective tissue
White muscles have an increased capacity to carry on aerobic respiration false
The maintenance of body temperature is realted to the action of skeletal muscles because the more active they are the more heat is released
endomysium separates individual muscle fibers true
The latent period is the time when the muscle is relaxed false
A tendon is characterized by being_____, whereas an aponeurosis is characterized by being_____ cordlike and connects muscles to bones; a broad, fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to muscles
Which of the following is not true when comparing red and white muscle types red muscles have fewer fitochondria then white
Which of the following major events in mucle contraction are stated properly Actin filaments slide inward along myosin filametns
Motor unit recruitment refers to the fact that some otor neurons can recruti new skeletal muscle fibers with which they connect false
Neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles within motor neuron endings
A skeletal muscle fiber conains many nuclei true
The type of muscle found in blood vessels is smooth
Muscle fatigue is most likely due to an accumulation of lactic acid true
The very brief moment following contraction when a muscle remains unresponsive to additional stimulation is called the refractory period
The outermost laer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle is called the epimysium
When a muscle undergoes atrophy in response to disuse all of the above
The amount of oxygen needed to support the conversion of lactic acid to glycogen is called the oxygen debt
Cardiac muscle is found in teh wall of the none fo the above
The muscle tissue that can be consciously controlled is skeletal
The striated appearance of skeletal muscle results from the sarcomere arrangment
Liver cells convert lactic acid to ATP false
ATP is related to creatine phosphate by creatine phosphate supplying energy to regenerate ATP from ADP and phosphate
A motor unit is defined as a motor neuron and the muscle fibers connected to it
If a muscle contracts and its fibers shorten the ontractionis isometric false
Creatine phosphate serves to supply energy for the synthesis of ATP
During muscle ontraction calcium ions combine with tropomysoin and this exposes active sites for cross-- bridge formation false
A muscle cramp is most likely dur to a lack of ATP
A neuromuscular junction can be described as all of the above
Activities such as swimming and running ar most liely to stimulate development of slow, red muscle fibers
Myofibrils are composed primarily of acitn and myosin
Compared to skeletal muscle smooth muscle contacts more slowly and relaxes more slowly
muscle contracts but does not change length isometric
attachment moves isotonic
performing curls isotonic
doing a headstand isometric
standing still isometric
anaerobic respiration fast twitch fibers
most myoglobin slow twitch fibers
resistant to fatigue slow twitch fibers
tons of mitochondria slow twitch fibers
extenisve SR fast twitch fibers
rich blood supply slow twitch fiibers
lactic acid build up occurs fast twitch fibers
white fibers fast twitch fibers
long distance runners slow twitch fibers
rapid contractions fast twitch fibers
citric acid cycle and electron transport chain aerobic
occurs in the cytoplasm anaerobic
makes carbon dioxide water and 34 ATP aerobic
oxygen required aerobic
glycolysis anaerobic
amkes pyruvic acid anaerobic
forms 2 ATP anaerobic
fast twitch fibers anaerobic
34 ATP aerobic
by product is lactic acid anaerobic
The meninges consist of all of the above