American History - Unit II Study Guide

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Nativism rise of anti immigrant groups
Monopoly one company has complete control
Melting Pot ethnic groups blending
Holding Company buy out stock of other companies
Graft Bribes , political power
Jim Crow Laws Laws to keep segregation
Morrill Act Help finace agricultural colleges
Trust Company receive dividends
Niagara Movement College education for African Americans
Old Immigrant English, Northern Europeans
New Immigrants Asian, Spanish, Southern Europeans
Plessy v. Ferguson Did not violate 14th ammendment
Munn v. Illinois Farmers v. RR freight rates
Treaty of Ft. Lamamie Soiux live near Missouri River
Homestead Act 360 acres, Improve land within 5 years, during civil war
W.A.S.P. White, Anglo, Saxon, Protestant
Sherman anti-trust Act Corp. interfere with trade
Social Darwinism no gov't interference4 in big business
Chinese Exclusion Act Restricted immigration
Gentleman's Agreement Limited number Japanese immigrants
Tenements Housing, Rundown, overcrowded
Labor Unions Help workers
The Grange The patrons of Husbandry
Patronage The giving of gov't jobs to help get an official reelected
Knights of Labor 1st labor union
Greenback paper money during civil war
Cincinnati Red Stockings First baseball team to tour around the country
Cow Towns Ogalala NE, Abilene KS, Cheyenne WY
Chisholm Trail Cattle route from Texas to Kansas
Cowboys Drive cattle
Open Range No fences
14th Amendment segregation
Separate but Equal African Americans had separate public and private facilities
Marshall Field Developed the 1st department store
Ellis Island For European Immigrant, New York Harbor
Marcus Whitman Missionary along the Oregan Trail
Boss Tweed Corrupt politician of New York City
William McKinley Defeated William Jennings Bryan for the president
General Custer Battle of Little Big Horn
William Jennings Bryan Lost to Mckinley in 1896 for President
Andrew Carnegie Built steel company in Pittsburgh used the Bessemer process
John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil
Booker T. Washington African American headed Tuskegee University
Thomas Edison Worked in his lab in New Jersey
W.E.B. DuBois Founded the Niagara Movement
Little Big Horn Custer's Army was destroyed
Joseph McCoy Illinois Cattle Dealer
Eugene V. Debs Formed ARU
Robert Henri Painter of abstract art
Daniel Freeman First Homestead, Near Beatrice
Henry Bessemer Processing Iron
Wright Brothers Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, first flight
William Randolph Hearst Newpaper man
John Roebling Build Brooklyn Bridge
Samuel Gompers Union Labor Leader