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What is a protist? A single or many celled organism that lives in moist or wet surroundings.
What do amoeba, spirogyra, odonthalia and slime mold have in common? They all belong to the protist kingdom. They are single or many celled organisms that live in moist or wet surroundings.
How do organisms in Kingdom Protista differ? Some contain chlorophyll and make their own food and some don't. Some are plantlike, animallike and others are funguslike.
How did protists evolve? There isn't much evidence of the evolution of protists because few fossils have those organisms have been found. Scientists hypothesize that the common ancestor was a one-celled organism with a nucleus, mitochondria and other cellular structures.
How did plantlike protists evolve differently from other protists? Evidence shows that protists that can't make their own food evolved differently from protists that do make their own food. Cyanobacterium, a bacteria that contains chlorophyll, was taken up by a one-celled organism with mitochondria. At this organism changed over time, the cyanobacterium became the organism's chloroplast. Plantlike protists probably developed from this organism.
Where is an organism's food produced? In the chloroplast.
name the organisms in the Kingdom Protista. Amoeba - Odonthalia - Slime Mold - Spirogyra - Sporozoan - Volvox
What is algae? A plantlike protist. Some species of algae have one cell and others are many celled. All algae can make their own food because they contain the pigment chlorophyll in their chloroplasts. they are grouped into six main phyla according to their structure, pigments and the way they store food.
How are algae grouped? They are grouped into six main phyla according to their structure, pigments and the way in which they store food.
What are the six main phyla of algae? Euglenoids - Diatoms - Dinoflagellates - Green Algae - Red Algae - Brown Algae
What is a plantlike protist? Algae
What is an Euglenoid? A phylum of algae that has characteristics of both plants and animals.
What is Euglena and how is it similar to both plants and animals? Euglena is an example of a typical euglenoid. It is a one celled algae with chloroplasts and produces carbohydrates as food. When light is not present, euglenas feed on bacteria and protists. They have no cell walls and a strong flexible layer inside the cell membrane that helps them move and change shape. It has animal characteristics: whiplike tail called flagella and they have an adaptation called an eyespot that responds to light.
What is a Chlamydomonas? A one celled green algae that is found mostly in freshwater ponds and in moist soil.
Where will you find Dinoflagellates? Usually in the sea.
What are diatoms? Diatoms belong to the phylum Bacillariophyta and live in freshwater and saltwater. They are photosynthetic. One celled algae that stores food in the form of oil. Has a golden brown pigment that masks the gren chlorophyll. Also called gold-brown algae. Reproduces in extremely large numbers. When the organisms die their small cell walls sink to the floor of the body of water and collect in deep layers.
What does photosynthetic mean? Making ones own food
Name two uses of diatoms. They create the sparkle that maks some road lines visible at night and the crunch that is felt when you use toothpaste to brush your teth.
How are ancient diatoms found and used? They are mined with power shovels and used in insulation, filters and road paint.
What is Ulva? A sea lettuce that is a many celled saltwater alga that grows in thin sheets.
What is spirogyra? A chainlike freshwater alga that has spiral shaped chloroplasts.
What is volvox? A freshwater form that occurs in ballshaped colonies. The colony rolls through the water using its flagella.
Name five types of green algae. River moss - Chlamydomonas - Volvox - Spirogyra - Ulva
Give an example of a one celled algae. Diatom - Dinoflagellattes - Euglenoids
Give an example of algae that cab be one celled or many celled. Green algae
Name an algae that is many celled. Brown algae.
Name a bacteria that contains chlorophyll Cyanobacterium
Name a one celled algae with red pigments. Dinoflagellates
What algae is known as the "Fire Algae"? Red Algae
Dinoflagellates means what? Spinning flagellates. One of the flagella moves the cell, and the other circles the cell, causing it to spin with a motion similar to a top. They store food in the form of starches and oils. Almost all of them live in salt water. They are important food sources for saltwater organisms. Some live in freshwater and cause health problems for people living on the East Coast.
What problems have Dinoflagellates caused? Almost all of them live in salt water and they are important food sources for saltwater organisms. However, some live in freshwater and cause health problems for people living on the East Coast.
What algae lives in saltwater? Dinoflagellates - Diatoms live in fresh and saltwater - Red Algae - Brown Algae
7,000 species of green algae form what phylum? Chlorophyta Phylum
Which group has more variety than any other group of protists? The Chlorophyta Phylum with 7,000 species of Green Algae
What does the presence of chlorophyl in green algae tell us? It lets us know that green algae undergoes photosynthesis and produces food in the form of starch. This is important because nearly half of the oxygen we consume is a result of the photosynthesis of green algae.
Why is it important that chlorophyll is present in green algae? Nearly half of the oxygen we consume is a result of the photosynthesis of green algae.
Where do most green algae live? In water ... but some green algae can live in other environments such as tree trunks and other organisms. It can be one celled or many celled.
What gives pudding smooth creamy texture? Carrageenan which is extracted from the red algae Irish moss.
What are some common household items that contain red algae? Pudding and toothpaste
How many cells does red algae have? Most are many celled
How do red algae produce starch? Red algae produces starch where it gets its food by living deep in the ocean. Some red algae can live up to 175 meters deep in the ocean. their red pigment allows them to absorb the limited amount of light that penetrates to those depths and enables them to produce the starch.
Brown algae are found in what phylum? Phaeophyta
Tell me about brown algae Brown algae makes up the phylum Phaeophyta. They have many cells and vary in size. They are found mostly in cool, saltwater environments. Kelp, is an important food source for many fish and invertebrates. People eat brown algae - algin makes the thick texture in ice cream and marshmallows. It also is used in fertilizer.
What are some practical uses of brown algae? People eat brown algae - algin makes the thick texture in ice cream and marshmallows. It also is used in fertilizer.
What is kelp? Kelp is a brown algae and it is an important food source for many fish and invertebrates. They form a dense mat of stalks and leaflike blades where small fish and animals live. Giant kelp are the largest organisms in the protist kingdom.
What is the largest organism in the protist kingdom? Kelp - can be found in the Monterrey bay, california
Tell me the Phylum, Pigments and other characteristics of the plant-like protists. (EBDCRP) Every Boy Deserves Candy, Respect and PS2 (EDDGRB) 1) Euglenophyta (Euglenoids) - Chlorophyll - one celled algae that moves with flagella; has eyespot to detect light. 2) Bacilliariophyta (Diatoms) - Golden Brown - one celled algae with body made of two halves; cell walls contain silica 3) Dinoflagellata (Dinoflagellates) - Red - one celed algae with two flagella - flagella causes cell to spin - some species cause red tide 4) Chlorophyta (Green Algae) - Chlorophyll - one and many celled species - most live in water; some live out of wtaer, in or on other organisms 5) Rhodophyta (Red Algae) - Red - many celled algae; carbohydrate in red algae is used to give some foods a creamy texture 6) Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) - Brown - many celled algae; most live in salt water; important food source in aquatic environments
Which plant-like protists have one cell? Euglenoids, Diatoms, Dinoflagellates - Green algae can have one or many cells
Which pantlike protist causes red tide? (This is a trick question) Dinoflagellates - NOT Red Algae!
Which two algaes are used in food? Red and Brown
What are protozoans? One celled animal like protists. They are complex organisms that live in water, soil and in both living and dead organisms. Many types are parasites. They contain special vacuoles for digesting food and getting rid of excess water.
What is a parasite? A parasite is an organism that lives in or on another organism.
How are protozoans separated? They are separated into groups by how they move - rhizopods, flagellates, ciliates and sporozoans.
Traits of animal-like protists? one celled, many are parasites and they are grouped by how they move
Draw an example of a protozoan. Nucleus - cytoplasm - cell membrane - pseudopod - food vacuole
Why is an amoeba classified as a protozoan? It is a parasite that lives on another organism. Amoebas can live in the water and cause dysentary which leads to a severe form of diarrhea.
What makes up chalk? Saltwater rhizopods have skeletons made out of calcium carbonate which is the material that makes up chalk. White Cliffs of Dover in England are an example of billions of rhizopods.
What is responsible for African Sleeping Sickness? Trypanosoma which is spread by the tsetse fly in Africa. The disease causes fever, swollen glands and extreme sleepiness.
What is a pseudopod? A temporary extension of the cytoplasm - also means false foot. An amoeba extends the cytoplasm of a pseudopod on either side of a food particle then the pseudopod closes and the particle is trapped. A vacuole forms around the food and it is digested.
What is a Rhizopod? It is a member of the Rhizopoda phylum. It uses pseudopods to feed. They are found in freshwater and saltwater environments, and certain types are found in animals as parasites.
What are protozoans that use flagella to move called? Flagellates and they belong to the Zoomastignia phylum. All flagellates have long whip like tails that whip them through a watery environment. many live in freshwater though some are oparasites.
name two flagellates. A trypanosoma causes African sleeping sickness. Another flagellate lives in the digestive system of termites.
How are flagellates beneficial to termites? They produce enzymes that digest the wood that termites eat. Without flagellates, termites would not be able to digest wood.
What are the most complex protozoans? Cilia that are part of the phylum ciliophora are the most complex. They are short, threadlike structures that extend from the cell membrane. Cilates may be covered with cilia or have cilia grouped in specific areas of the cell.
What is a paramecium? A typical ciliate - has two nuclei - a macronucleus and a micronucleus. The macronucleus controls the everyday functions of the cell. The micronucleus is used in reproduction. Paramecia feed on bacteria swept into the oral groove by the cilia. Once the food is inside the cell, a food vacuole forms and the food is digested. wastes are removed through the anal pore.
What role does the macronucleus have in the paramecia? The macronucleus controls the everyday functions of the cell.
What does the micronucleus do in the paranecium? The micronucleus is used in reproduction. Paramecia feed on bacteria swept into the oral groove by the cilia. Once the food is inside the cell, a food vacuole forms and the food is digested. wastes are removed through the anal pore.
What is a sporozoan? A sporozoan contains only parasitic organisms. They have no way of moving on their own. All are parasites that live in and feed on the blood of human and other animals. Mosquitoes are an example of how it is spread.
How is malaria spread? By mosquitoes that spread the sporozoan that causes malaria. It is caused when an infected mosquito bites a human.
Name two funguslike protists. Slime molds and water molds. they get their energy by breaking down organic materials.
What are slime molds? Slime molds are brightly colored and form a delicate, weblike structure on the surface of their food supply. They move by pseudopods and behave like amoebas. They reproduce with spores the way fungi do. Most live on decaying logs or dead leaves - one feeds on bacteria found in dead plantsand goes across the lawn. Reproductive form on stalks and spores when conditions become less favorable.
How do slime molds reproduce? with spores
Where do water molds live and what do they look like? In water or moist places. They look fuzzy with white growths of decaying matter.
What are water molds? They are called funguslike protists because they grow as a mass of threads over a plant or animal, digest it and then absorb the organism's nutrients. They have cell wallslike fungi but have simple cells like protozoans. They produce reproductive cells with flagella during their reproductive cycle.
What is downy or powdery mildew? It causes disease on the leaves of plants when days are warm and nights are cool and moist.
What caused the Irish potato famine? In the 1840's Irelands main crop was potatoes. The crop became infected with downy mildew which rotted the potatoes in the field - nearly 1 million died because they had no food. Many Irish left Ireland and came to the US.
What will a parasitic water mold do to a fish? Kill it.
How are plantlike protists classified into phyla? By their pigment, their structure and how they store food.
Compare the three groups of protists. Plantlike (EDDGRB) one or many celled, all make their own food, have chlorophyll - Animallike (RFCS) one celled, many parasites, grouped by how they move - Funguslike (S, W/D) energy from breaking down organic materials
Why is Red Tide dangerous? Dinoflaggellates reproduce rapidly to form a bloom - turns the ocean red which is known as red tide. Often occurs in warm, shallow parts of ocean or where runoffs from the land add nutrients to the water. Can be deadly - can kill fish, whales - toxins get in shellfish and people who eat them can die
How is Red Tide monitored? Scientists test shellfish for dinoflagellates - if they are detected they tell people not to eat seafood in the areas affected. They also use satellites with infrared cameras to give them clues.
What organism moves using cilia? Paramecium
Where would you most likely find fungus-like protists? On decaying logs