Intro To Sociology Quiz #1

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the sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live and how it influences their lives... Functionalist Conflict Symbolic Interactionist
society a group of people who share a culture and a territory
social location corners in life that people occupy because of where they are located in society
Functionalist interested in how society functions thinks of society as a human body and how everything works together (Macro-study)
Conflict Theorist inequality of any kind is a problem. people are in competition for scarce resources (Macro-study)
Symbolic Interactionist interested in social norms. society is nothing more than the sum of interactions (Micro-study)
positivism idea of applying scientific method to the social world. proposed by Auguste Comte
Auguste Comte proposed positivism. also asked "What creates social order instead of chaos?"
Herbert Spencer believed that societies evolved from lower (barbaric) to higher (civilized) forms 'Survival of the Fittest'
Karl Marx believed engine of human history is class conflict between bourgeoisie and the proletariat classes
Emile Durkheim goal was to get sociology recognized as a separate discipline. believed in social integration
social integration the degree to which people are tied to their social group
Max Weber believed/theorized that religion is central force in social change
rapport a feeling of trust that is essential for honest answers in interviews.
random sample a sample in which everyone in the target population has the same chance of being included in the study
reliability the extent to which research produces reliable (consistent or dependable) results
cultural lag Ogburn's term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations. Belief that a group's material culture usually changes first, with the nonmaterial cuture lagging behind
cultural leveling the process by which cultures become similar to one another; especially the process by which U.S. culture is being exported and diffused into other nations
technology tools and the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools
cultural diffusion groups of people learning from others and adapting some part of the other's way of life.
pluralistic society a society that is made up of many different groups
value contradiction values that contradict one another; to follow the one means to come into conflict with the other
subculture the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture; a world within a world
counterculture a group whose values, beliefs, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture
culture shock the disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life
cultural relativism not judging a culture, but trying to understand it on its own terms
sanction expressions of approval or disapproval given to people for upholding or violating norms
folkways norms that are not strictly enforced
mores norms that are strictly enforced because they are thought to be essential to core values or the well-being of the group
taboo a norm so strong that it often brings revulsion if violated
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis Edward Sapir's and Benjamin Whorf's hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving. Against common sense that objects force themselves on our conciousness, but that language does.
ethnocentrism a tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging others
material culture the material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry
nonmaterial culture also called symbolic culture a group's ways of thinking (including its beliefs, values, and other assumptions about the world) and doing (its common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction)
total institution a place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and are almost totally controlled by the officials who run the place
agents of socialization people or groups that affect our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors, or other orientations toward life
life course the stages of our life as we move from birth to death
resocialization the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors
Piaget and the Development of Reasoning 1. The sensorimotor stage 2. the preoperational stage 3. the concrete operational stage 4. the formal operational stage
ideal culture refers to values, norms, and goals that a group considers ideal, worth aspiring to
real culture norms and values that people actually follow