EMT Mnemonics & Acroynyms

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The "P" in PENMAN stands for? Personal, Partner, & Patient safety (Also reconsider BSI, "body substance isolation")
The "E" in PENMAN stands for? Enviromental Hazards
The first "N" in PENMAN stands for? Number of Patients
The "M" in PENMAN stands for? Mechanism of Injury/Illness
The "A" in PENMAN stands for? Addtional Resources
The second "N" in PENMAN stands for? Need for Spinal Immobilzation (If Yes, Manual Immobilliztion Begins Now)
The "A" in AVPU stands for? Alert
The "V" in AVPU stands for? Verbal
The "P" in AVPU stands for? Pain
The "U" in AVPU stands for? Unresponsive
The "O" in OPQRST stands for? Onset - Sudden/Gradual?
The "P" in OPQRST stands for? Provoke/Palliation
The "Q" in OPQRST stands for? Quality
The "R" in OPQRST stands for? Region/Radiation/Recurrent
The "S" in OPQRST stands for? Severity (1-10)
The "T" in OPQRST stands for? Time (When did it Pain/Illness begin)
The "S" in SAMPLE stands for? Signs & Symptoms
The "A" in SAMPLE stands for? Allergies/Age/Weight
The "M" in SAMPLE stands for? Medications
The "P" in SAMPLE stands for? Pertinent Medical History
The "L" in SAMPLE stands for? Last Oral Intake
The "E" in SAMPLE stands for? Events Surrounding Incident