27 Amendments Of The Consitution Quick Study Flash Cards

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The 7th Amendment explains people;s rights in __________. Civil cases
The voting age was lowered to __________ by the 26th Amendment. Eighteen
The production and sale of _________ in the U.S. was outlawed by the 18 amendment Liquor
The 19 Amendment gave ________ the right to vote. Women
The 8 Amendment provides information on fines,_______, and punishment. Bails
The 6th Amendment gives Americans the right to a fair and speedy _______. Trail
The 2nd Amendment gives U.S. citizens the right to bear ________. arms
People do not have to provide ____________ with food and shelter in times of peace, according to the 3rd Amendment. Soldiers
Twelve amendments to the Constitution were submitted by __________ for approval by the states:ten of theses were approved and are the Bill of Rights Congress
Freedom of the press, speech, and _________ is provided by the 1st Amendment. religion
The rights of people involved in _________ are described in the 5th Amendment. Criminal cases
Congress was given the right to collect _________ by the 16th amendments. income taxes
the 15th Amendment gave ___________ Americans the right to vote Africans Americans
the 18th Amendment outlawed _____ of the U.S. liqour
The 15th Amendment gave _____ Americans the right to vote. African Americans
In 1789, _____ submitted 12 amendments to the states for approval:ten were approved and now called the Bill of Tights. Congress
The 5th amendment describes the right of people involved in _________ cases criminal
Th e1st Amendment provides freedom of speech, _________, and the press. religion
The 3rd Amendment deals with providing _____________ with food and housing. Soldiers
The 16th Amendment gives Congress the right to collect _____ taxes. income taxes
The 19th Amendment gave ________ the right to vote. women
Information on ____________, fines and punishments is given in the 8th Amendment. Bails
The 7th Amendment describes the rights of people involved in ________ cases. Civil
The 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to ____________. 18
Th 6th Amendment guarantees citizens the right to a fair and speedy ____________ trial
The 4th Amendment deals with search and arrest __________. warrents
The 2nd Amendment gives citizens the right to bear __________ (gun) arms
1st Amendment provides for freedom of religion, speech and press
2nd Amendment Provides for the right to bear arms
3rd Amendment provides for housing of soldiers
4th provides for search and arrest warrants
5th provides for rights in criminal cases
6th provides right to a fair trial
7th provides for a persons' rights in civil cases
8th provides for bails, fines, and punishments
13th the stop of slavary
14th gives the law that citizens rights cant be taken away
15th gave African Americans the right to vote
16th gave congress the right to collect income taxes
17th states that the Americans citizens elect the U.S. senators instead of the state legislatures
18th made it illegal to make or transport liquor
19th gave women the right to vote
20th states that if president dies during the electoral then vice president shall by president.
21st amendment repeals the 18th amendment
26th lowered the voting age to 18