Mycology Quiz Questions

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The loose intertwined network of basic structural units of the moulds which penetrates the substrate from which it obtains the necessary nutrients for growth is called what?
What is one of the first and most obvious characteristics of the Zygomycetes in the laboratory?
Rapid growth
The negative stain shown in the image below demonstrates which of the following characteristics?
The negative stain shown in the image below demonstrates which of the following characteristics?
Encapsulated cells
This organism is a lipophilic yeast?
Malassezia furfur
What is the most likely identification of the following organism, based on the microscopic morphology of the below:
What is the most likely identification of the following organism, based on the microscopic morphology of the below:
Penicillium sp
The clinical entity known as white piedra is caused by which of the following organisms?
Trichosporon spp
A mould that has a similar conidiophore morphology to that of Penicillium sp. but is not a common cause of opportunistic infections is?
Paecilomyces sp
Best definition of a fungus?
A group of non-motile eukaryotic organisms that have definite cell walls, are devoid of chlorophyll, and reproduce by means of spores and conidia
The structure shown in the image below was found when examining a yeast culture for morphology under the microscope. The structure is best described as which of the following?

The structure shown in the image below was found when examining a yeast culture for morphology under the microscope. The structure is best described as which of the following?
Best definition for “mycetoma?”
Chronic granulomatous disease of feet with enlarged nodules, sinus drainage, bone destruction, but no systemic involvement
Foot cells, swollen vesicles, hyaline septate hyphae, and uniseriate or biseriate conidiation are all characteristic of what organism?
Aspergillus sp.
Differentiation of Zygomycetes is most often based what characteristics?
Presence and location of rhizoids and type of sporangiophore
What term is best described as the process of reproduction in yeast that begins with a weakening and outpouching of the yeast cell wall and then formation of a cell wall septum between the mother and daughter yeast cells?
What term best describes the asexual reproductive structures of moulds?
The following mould causes a woods lamp positive dermatophytic infection. The most likely identification of this organism is which of the following?
(Tease prep stained with lactophenol cotton blue)
The following mould causes a woods lamp positive dermatophytic infection. The most likely identification of this organism is which of the following?(Tease prep stained with lactophenol cotton blue)
Microsporum canis